This diagram can guide you through a step-by-step process to troubleshoot common issues with Check Point Firewall IPSec VPN connections:


Step 1: Connectivity Checks

Sample Troubleshooting:

Expected Result: Successful ping reply from the remote gateway.

Sample Log (if ping fails):

PING <remote_gateway_ip> ( 56(84) bytes of data. From icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1000ms --- <remote_gateway_ip> ping statistics --- 1 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 1000ms

Troubleshooting Steps:

1.1. Verify basic network connectivity between the firewalls using ping or traceroute from one firewall to the other's public IP. If pings fail, check network connectivity issues between the firewalls.

1.2. Check the status of the VPN tunnel interface on both firewalls. It should show "Up" if established. You can use the command: show vpn tunnels

Step 2: IKE Negotiation Analysis (if applicable from Step 1.3)

Sample Troubleshooting: